Decolonisation in Animal Health webinar by London International Development Centre
Read moreArticles and letters by BVEDS

BBC Asian network
The challenges of speaking out about racism
BVEDS on BBC1 Countryfile
Countryfile followed Navaratnam Partheeban for a day to see and discuss being a Ethnic Minority Farm Vet. Click on the picture to watch the episode.

BVEDS on BBC Radio 4
03/01/2020: Discussing racism in Veterinary and Agriculture
BVEDS on BBC Radio 4
17/12/2019: Discussing racism in agriculture
BVEDS supporting BVA on widening participation in veterinary education
BVEDS is committed to helping improve diversity by supporting initiatives to create more opportunity for marginalised groups. Please click the text below to find out more.

Diversity and inclusion in the veterinary professions – Professionals (
BVEDS joins new RCVS diversity working group
BVEDS is supporting the new Diversity and Inclusion Working Group. The Diversity and Inclusion Working Group will continue to gather information to better understand where we are today and what we can do to improve diversity into the future. Click on the text below to find out more.


Congress Programme 2019.pdf (
BVEDS at the SPVS Conference 2020
Inclusion and Equality in the Workplace session which was chaired by Claire Balding
You can listen to the session by clicking on the image below:
BVEDS at the Oxford Farming Conference 2020
Discussing why we need to break down barriers in agriculture and farming to marginalised people

BVEDS letter in Farmers Weekly magazine
27/03/2020: Change and engage to gain new entrants into farming

Diversity in Veterinary Profession
The face of the profession is changing and we need to support and encourage this diversity. An article in the Veterinary Record 20/09/2019

Article summarising the lack of diversity in U.K. Veterinary Profession
Members of the British Veterinary Ethnicity and Diversity Society (BVEDS) spoke about the ongoing issue. Click on the image below to read the article.

Mayors Fund for London
BVEDS is a supporter of the Mayors Fund for London Diversity Pledge. Developed in partnership with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Diversity Pledge aims to break barriers for young people from BAME backgrounds in starting sustainable careers. Transforming outreach, recruitment and progression practices will not only help organisations to build a more diverse employee base but also create sustainable business benefits. We join the following organisations in our support. More details can be found at

BVEDS letter to Veterinary Record
Published 06/03/2020
The British Ethnicity and Diversity Society (BVEDS) supports all forms of diversity and inclusivity in the veterinary profession.
At BVEDS, we were happy to read the recent letter from the BVA decrying the use of “derogatory and offensive language” used in online vet forums something which our own members have experienced. When such language and personal attacks occur and go unchallenged, not only does it reflect poorly on our professional conduct but it creates an environment that discourages marginalised groups that are frequently subject to such attacks to fully participate in a public arena.
It was great to see the huge support that was received shown by the large number of signatories from a broad breath of the community. We would like to praise these organisations which recognised that whilst we can hold each other and groups that represent us to account, the discourse should not descend into personal attacks with derogatory language.
However, it was noted that a few organisations opted out from being signatories which did raise some concerns. It’s deeply disappointing that this occurred, and we feel it was a lost opportunity for these groups to show ally-ship and unity that the letter was trying to demonstrate.
We need to educate ourselves and look at methods of promoting fairness, equality and inclusivity in the profession and challenge the current barriers to this.
As a small profession it is vital that we are united in supporting each other and there should be no room for hesitation on the matter.
Kind Regards
BVEDS Steering group
BVEDS at BSAVA Congress 2019
BVEDS facilitated a discussion around diversity and inclusion with vets and nurses at BSAVA Congress 2019.

BVEDS on BVA Good workplace Working Group
The Good Workplace Working Group is aiming to develop a vision for a good veterinary workplace. Part of its work will involve looking at diversity, equality and inclusion, amongst other issues, and these results, as well as those from the workforce studies and other sources of information will feed into the work of the group and the recommendations they make. Click on the text below to find out more about the issues present.

Farmers weekly
Racist slur against Cirencester vet triggers Twitter protests

Farmers Weekly Article
Opinion: Time to break down the ethnic barriers in farming

Article highlighting diversity work is everyones duty

BVEDS at the SPVS Conference 2020
Inclusion and Equality in the Workplace session which was chaired by Claire Balding
You can listen to the session by clicking on the image below: